Sunday, March 4, 2012

Never Going To The Hogle Zoo Again!

The zoos in China are awesome. It's all about getting the animals to do something in front of the crowds. All throughout the zoo there were little hiding places where zoo workers could go and throw food to get the baboons to do flips or to get the tigers to growl.

I got to feed a Giraffe!

I saw many, many, MANY, angles of giraffe.

And they had TONZ of pandas, I only had a couple really good pictures because there were lots of people... it's like pandas are rare or something...

Red Pandas are so cute, I wanted to take one home with me because it looks as snuggly as a teddy bear.

How many red pandas do you see?
the koalas were kinda boring.... but cool
They had a safari train ride where they let animals run around their cages and you take a train ride through them. We got pretty up close and personal with some of the animals.

Some of them even smiled

I got to do some pretty sweet stuff while I was there,
I got to pet a baby white tiger.... yes be jealous.
and I got to hold a macaw, which was legit!


  1. Awesome! I especially love the last picture :D

  2. haha... "its like pandas rare or something" Brilliant! Miss ya Lilli!

  3. Dude. Hogle Zoo has nothing compared to that.

  4. Love the giraffe and the smiling animal pic! I can't wait for you to get back and tell us about all your adventures.
