Tuesday, April 10, 2012


On our bus ride from Zhongjiajie to Fenghuang we met this really nice Chinese man named Nick. He spoke English really well and he was very cute so of course I just had to get my picture taken with him.

HA! Emily I found my own Nick!

He's making a weird face.... he doesn't always look like that.

There was this big platform in the middle of the city and they would play the drums ever half hour.

The buildings there were so cool I just loved to be there.

This town is known for their flattened pig faces... I don't know why you would want a flattened pig face, but I saw this one and had to take a picture of it.

1 comment:

  1. That flattened pig head totally looks like something from Kung Fu Panda.

    (Also: wouldn't it be cool to be known for flattened pig heads??)
